Our History: Black Artists
Andra Day Behind a podium stands a woman with red lipstick, large hoop earrings and hair in a tall, curly...
Behind the velvet curtain
The Falconer takes a look at the TP Players’ production process for their new show, “Return to the Forbidden Planet.” Okay,...
High School Sweethearts
TPHS is home to teacher couples who share a love for teaching and each other. The Falconer takes a look at these...
A Look at ELD
A classroom at TPHS may feel comfortable for most, but walking into a room hearing another language and seeing a...
Staff Ed: Gen Z is not proud to live in the U.S. That’s better news than you think
According to a recent poll conducted by Morning Consult, only 16% of American Gen Z adults (aged 18 to 25)...
SDUSD’s Measure U is so ironic it’s painful
When one thinks of the most influential individuals in their life, more often than not a teacher will come to mind. Maybe the...
Personal Perspective: Jerry Wu
Assistant Editor-in-Chief Jerry Wu shares his story of self-discovery — from spending long afternoons at his grandparent’s house in Shanghai...
Today’s body-type trends are more dangerous than ever
Humans are fickle creatures. We constantly jump from one trend to the next, never conforming to one idea for too long....
“That Girl” trend perpetuates unrealistic lifestyles
“Wake up at 5 a.m., go on your morning jog, make yourself some all-natural, peanut butter oatmeal pancakes, drink an...
Pro/Con: NYU Professor
Pro In October 2022, New York University professor Maitland Jones Jr. was terminated from his role teaching Organic Chemistry after 82 of...